Our Story
High Quality Residential & Commercial Painting for Over 23 Years
Thank You for Helping us Celebrate 23 Years of Taking Painting Residential Properties to the next level in the Phoenix Valley.
Fargo Painting offers high quality interior and exterior painting for both custom residential and commercial projects. Our team brings cutting edge techniques and thoughtful execution to the work site. Whether it is a complex custom home, a carefully designed remodel or a state of the art commercial structure, each team member strives to achieve the highest grade outcome of every process.
We provide our services using only top-quality products and all the necessary detail oriented prep-work to assure your job not only comes out superior, but can also can last as long as possible. Our clients are located in Paradise Valley, Scottsdale and the metropolitan Phoenix area.
Shea Azure selects Fargo Painting
Fargo Painting, LLC has recently been awarded the contract to paint the new luxurious Shea Homes being built in...
National Association of Remodelers
Donny was nominated by his chapter of the National Association of Remodelers for the National Presidents Award amidst...
Fluid Applied Weather Barrier System
Donny Fargo, CRS will be representing Fargo Painting, LLC as the installer of a cutting edge fluid-applied weather...
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